After falling off a roof and landing on a railing David found complete relief from his chronic injury through massage. Known as "David Hay Massage" and " Align Me Massage" David is a natural at finding pain in the body. Even if its nerve, lymphatic, trigger point muscular or Tissue/Structural Alignment. David is trained in modalities as lymphatic drainage, water massage, prenatal, trigger point, Raki 1,2, deep pressure and soft tissue alignment techniques(rolf). You're sure to feel better after just a few appointments.
David knowing the important role the lymph plays in muscular health went to Florida and took training on the lymph system. See Dr. Robert Morse book The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration.
David Operated "Float Fix" a Magnesium float tank for 2 years.
Note: this information has not been reviewed by the FDA. It is generic and is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness, condition, or disease. It is very important that you make no change in your healthcare plan or health support regimen without researching and discussing it in collaboration with your professional healthcare team.